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Whats new?!

Coming soon is (Japanese) scans of "Flight of the Lengends" which'll be the next set. I don't know much but I'll get info. Also I posted a poll on to which Pokemon you might want in the next set Diamond EX (Fake card set). And our long awaited GC game has just come out... Pokemon Colluseum! Its a great game, with 2 on 2 battles, Linkable to your GBA with Pokemon Ruby and/or Sapphire but the great fun doesn't stop there folks! No, the nice RPG mode is also there, needing to unleash the Shadow Pokemon's hearts!

I like it! You should! If you haven't already bought it GET IT NOW!

I've gotten a better forums so keep signing up! Now with an improoved ANIME BOARD adding up all the boards on the forums...

18 Total. Thank you and sign up.